Is your Weim smarter than you?


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Ok so this is a silly question or is it?  After yesterdays heavy and lengthy post we wanted to offer you something lighter.  Something both comical yet serious. Sometimes like humans, Weims can have pockets of brilliance.  If you happen to be a serious hunter, then you hope these moments of sheer genius happen in the field.  You hope your Weim out works, out smarts, and our performs all the other dogs.  When this happens, you try not to gloat too much as you relish the accolades with your humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As you savor success and your PBJ, you wonder if the occasion warranted a bit more.  Maybe today the gourmet turkey and cranberry sandwich would have been a more appropriate celebration.  Nonetheless, the PBJ has never tasted so good as right now basking in the light of your success.

We all celebrate those special achievements with great joy.  Unfortunately, some of these brilliant moments can put our skills to the test.  For example, we have a few Houdini-type Weims that can figure out various latches.  Cliff being the brilliant problem-solving inventor-type of person was up to the challenge. He created several new latch solutions, often to find his attempts once again be thwarted.   Another oh-my moment for the books.

On one oh-my moment, a female (who will remain nameless to protect her identity) discovered that if she hopped up and hit the screendoor handle just right it would pop open.  She got very adapt at opening the screendoor and Cliff had to close the regular door and forego using the screendoor. So much for the nice screendoor in the hallway next to his office.

Another oh-my moment occurred at another exit.  This one used to lock the kids out on occasion in a safe area.  An exit where the Weim kids leave their night time Weim Parlor.  This is a major exit leading to the exercise yard too.

This oh-my moment happened on several occasions.  It happened with a similar latch–go figure!   Someone (maybe Ms. Anonymous Weim Girl) discovered the latch was similar.  Once it was discovered the talent and technique was aptly passed on to others.  Several girls followed suit and learned they could come in the house at will.  We really cannot remember any of the boys being involved in this incident, but please don’t think the boys are stupid.  They are quite capable of the same antics.

On one oh-my occasion we left the kids out for a bit while we ran to town.  We guess they didn’t think that was a good plan.  We came home to a huge Weim greeting committee at the front door.  They wagged their tails and smiled. They danced and pranced.  All of this celebration continued while we were looking about to figure out how the door got open.   So, Cliff then fixed another type of latch.  The same thing occurred. Finally, he made a latch that pulls by a string up and out of the way.  They do not use that mechanism.  It is good they don’t see us use it or it might set their wheels turning.  Probably something small and up at the 6′ level doesn’t get noticed.  They have since forgotten about coming in that door but we have not forgotten about their antics.

Maybe you have heard about this super smart Weimaraner:

Tapping into their brilliance can be a great thing too.  For those of you with time and an inkling to teach your Weim tricks here are a few thoughts. First before your pup is going to perform on command you must have an excellent relationship. Weims want to please those they adore.  They thrive on praise and attention. Beyond the relationship your Weimaraner will need extensive socialization. Here at OwyheeStar we make every effort to lay an excellent foundation, however, what we have done can quickly be undone or thwarted.

The foundation is more important than flashy tricks.  First you must understand how this breed thinks and work with their style.  If you cannot do that or think you can make them be something different, please select another breed.  Sorry, but we celebrate all that is Weimaraner and some of it can be frustrating.  So, lay your foundation of basic obediance and spend time bonding.  This will serve you well over the long-haul.

Upon arriving at their new home a pup can seem reticent, but often they are scoping the lay of the land.  Their propensity towards wanting to be in control and their skill at manipulation go hand-in-hand.  This marriage of talent and motivation can be the undoing of the unsuspecting new human friend.

We have seen them do the most intelligent and calculated acts imaginable. We have seen one Weim point a bird, cat, or whatever to get another one to get off Dad’s lap.  Then they gingerly climb into Cliff’s lap.  Please tell me the Weim did not master-mind the plan.  Seeing it unfold is knowing it was manipulating, calculated, and a well thought out plan.

OK so now you think the biased Weimlover is not only addicted but daft.  Well maybe and probably you could unearth evidence to prove your case.  On the otherhand you would also have to discredit other similar stories.  If you have lived with Weim you know and understand this human-acting creature can take a person for a ride.  If you have never lived with a Weim but are intrigued, you might want to retrhink how you will begin your Weimarnaer experience.  Being on top of things with this concrete-thinking critter is the wise approach.  We are not saying you need to be overbearing but you do need to understand and be pro-active rather than reactive.  Once a bad behavior has begun it is much more difficult to break the habit.

When the news comes on, Dash would let us know it was bedtime for him.  He was ready to retire now.  Not when we got the first clip but the instant the news started.  We had started the habit of putting him up at the beginning of the news and it was like he could tell time.  How could he know it was one minute before 10 PM?

Teaching your pup some basic tricks or commands is not difficult.  We suggest you not get carried away, but take it slow.  Teach them something — anything and then do that for no more than five minutes.  Use that one success and build upon it with great patience.  Always go back to something they are super successful at and finish on a positive note.  Keep sessions short, fun, and upbeat.  If you are having fun they will be too.

Really the sky might be the limit.  What they can learn will most likely be limited by you patience, ability to teach, and dedication.  Most Weims learn a few things and their true job you even on the the worst possible day–even if you are unlovely on a certain.  Weims do this well.  For those that form the intimate relationship with their Weim, they find they loyal to a fault.

May your life be filled with everything good and wonderful.  If you are truly blessed it may be filled with Weim kisses and looks of adoration ~ Shela and Cliff

About OwyheeStar

We are Professional Weimaraner breeders--with forty years experience at raising puppies. For many years, we have focused exclusively on the Weimaraner! If you are considering the Weimaraner, or live with one, we welcome you to sign up to our blog. We sincerely hope you will find the information, the stories, and varied posts insightful (as well as entertaining). To those who live with an OwyheeStar Weimaraner, we send special thanks. We appreciate the photos, the news, and your friendship. Thank you for being a part of the extended OwyheeStar family.

Posted on June 9, 2009, in The Weimaraner. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Cooper had his check up today. He is 20 pounds and looking great. He got his one shot and I went ahead and let them give him the dewormer just to be on the safe side.

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